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The Kibbler has been designed to chunk both granola and high-density doughs into customer-specific sizes for ease of metering product to the processing system.

Kibblers can accept dough received directly from a horizontal mixer or customer supplied totes. The Kibbler was specifically designed to meet the increasing sanitation design standards that food industry manufacturers demand of top-of-the-line sanitary designed equipment.


Main Features:

  • Customizable to Customer Application Specifications
  • Complete Stainless Steel Construction
  • World Class Sanitary Design
  • Allen Bradley Controls Architecture

Sanitary Design

Propack systems meet and exceed every aspect of the sanitation requirements for the food processing industry.


Innovative and flexible designs ensure specific and unique customer needs can be met.

World Class Support

From our knowledgeable support team to our highly skilled engineers, Propack offers ongoing support both on and off-site.